viernes, 5 de abril de 2013

Team Work & Individual Work, Step 6

In this design step we expect from each student to demostrate two different capabitilies and skills:
- The first one is ability to work in a TEAM environment. You are expected to generate and develop ideas within a global design strategy.
- The second one is your own individual capacity, creativity and work. 

For this reason we have made the 7 design teams, but we've assigned individual responsabilities inside them for each student. Therefore, all of you must certainly work, discuss and define the global design. But you must do it mainly from your own area of responsability. We want you to concentrate in your area, generating its' own ideas and producing its' own designs and drawings. At the moment, we don't expect a complete agreement between all documents of each design. Futher more, at this step, we understand it's most useful and fruitful a certain amount of disagreement which will be solved afterwards.

Therefore, as we said, each student will be doublely assessed on this step: Once for global teams' design and secondly for individual work. First and best way to arrive to a good global design is to produce a good individual contribution. 

So, we'll now say a few things about each individual task assigned:

Team Leader:
Team leader has the responsability to garantee the understanding of the design as a whole. From concept to final presentation, he/she must work out the basic global decisions that must be followed by every team member so that everybody works in a similar direction. Each team has a model and re-program assigned, so general patterns should be clear. But probably and desirably new ideas and new designs will appear along this process. The team leader must evaluate them, direct discussions and finally make decisions upon all these new possibilities so that the final design can be understood as a single one (anyway, don't forget about what we've said about partial disaggrements... don't worry too the moment). As a much easier task, the team leader has to manage final presentation: team leader is responsible of final documents, type of drawing, layout, names....

Plan show how built environment is organised. They show how the building works, how we get around, how the program is developed, where each activity takes place, how people move and use the building. Responsible for plans must clearly show teams' reprogramming strategy and how it's materialized in their design.

Sections show built environments' space. The space of architecture. The space of human activity and mouvement inside the building. They show the specific physical characteristics of each area, of each itinerary. They show how our five human senses perceive their surroundings. Responsible for sections must clearly show the space of their design.

Elevations show the image of architecture. They show how architecture is seen, it's materials, it's textures. Elevations are materiality. They expose the object all architecture is, even if it doesn´t want to. Even if it wants to disappear. Responsible for elevations must show the image of their design.

Urban Environment:
Architecture always appears in an specific context. Urban, suburban or natural. It's appereance automaticaly generates an intense dialogue with that context, creating a new environment. For some architects most important decisions of a design must be a consequence of the type of relationship the new building will establish with it's context. Responsible for Urban Environment must clearly show the type relation the proposal has with its' surroundings and the way it's physically materialized in their design.

We hope each one of you has a clear idea of what we expect from each one of you. We'll have a look at your work in progress on Monday and Thursday. We advise you to start quickly... Good luck and good weekend.

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