jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

Short Exercise Results

We are not allowed to publish any kind of individual qualification. So we'll have to communicate each of you, your results in our first short exercise next Monday (or either by a personal e-mail).

Anyway here are a few general numbers and conclusions about our assessment.

First of all, we have to remember some of the most important criteria we've followed:
- Not presenting any proposal at all is assessed (obviously) as a: 0
- Maximum qualification for Incomplete Proposals (absence of one or several of the documents demanded) is: 4
- Maximum qualification for Proposals (Complete or Incomplete) presented after deadline is: 4

Now, general results (38 students in our unit):

1 sobresaliente (9)
2 notables (8)
3 notables (7)
5 aprobados (6)
8 aprobados (5)
10 suspensos (4)
3 suspensos (3)
6 suspensos (0)

A few conclusions that might be of your interest:
- Exactly 50% of the Unit did not obtain the minimum qualification required in this this first exercise. Too much!
- Most of the student's proposals that did not pass this short exercise, either didn't exist at all, or were incomplete or handled out of time. What did you expect?
- Most of the student's proposals that were complete and on time have obtained at least a 5 as qualification. It's not that difficult!

Finally, some advices for the rest of the semester:
- It is obviously compulsory to complete all exercises as demanded and on time to reach minimum qualification required for each level.
- If you do so, and you work daily, you correct your different documents in progress in class every day you are invited to, and you try to make a well developed, consistent and creative proposal, you'll confortably reach the pass mark.
- For all those qualified with aprobado (5), ... careful: your exercises have been assessed as JUST enough. It is advisable that you make a greater effort on the long exercise. Both in terms of quantity and quality of your work.
- For all those qualified with notables and sobresaliente (7-9), ... congratulations: continue like this and you should complete a brilliant semester.
- For all of you: long exercise doubles the value of short one, in the final result of your semester qualification.

That's more or less all. We'll see your Site 3D analysis next Monday and your Final entries for the first part of the long exercise on November de 5 (thiis entry is absolutely compulsory and will be assessed independently as the one just exposed). Good luck.

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