jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012

DEADLINE, Short Exercise

OK. This is it.
Next Monday 8 October, at 12.00 o'clock, every student must have his final proposal in our classroom, ready for final Jury. Try to have panels tidyly stuck on the walls, presentations lodged on classrooms computer and models on the tables. As we are quite a few  we'll make groups of five students that will present their work, and after they've finished, Joaquín and I will briefly comment yours proposals. Each student has a maximun of two minutes to present  his/her proposal.

We publish some numbers that might give you some clues about how the unit has worked during this exercise:

Students in Unit: 38
Medium assistance during exercise: 75,6%

Days dedicated to comment individually students proposals: 3
Students with 0 presentations of their work in progress: 6
Students with 1 presentation of their work in progress: 12
Students with 2 presentations of their work in progress: 17
Students with 3 presentations of their work in progress: 3

Proposals pre-assessed as highly relevant: 12

Let's see what happens. Not bad numbers. But could be much better, specially in some particular cases. Remember it is obviously much easier to reach a good result if your work has been developed and commented several times along the exercise. We encourage you to work daily and bring your proposals as many times as you can.

Good luck for everyone. Sharp at 12.00 on Monday, we start presentations.

6 comentarios:

  1. Es una opinion, xo seria mejor poner nombres y no numeros para luego mas adelante saber mejor en q punto estas!!

  2. These numbers are just a global, statistic approach of how the whole Unit is doing. They're mostly useful for Joaquin and myself. But anyway, you might be able to get your own conclusions, because I imagine you all know how much effort you have put into this exercise. Besides, you have our comments when you have had the opportunity to expose your ideas.
    After we see your final proposals, we'll indiviually assess each of you. Don't hesitate. But, as you may suppose, usually final results correspond to the way work in progress has been developed.

  3. joer t tengo q escribir en ingles?? porque lo entiendo xo nose escribirlo....
    weno m parece bn lo q dices, ya se como voy xo m referia para mas adelante a lo largo dl curso!!

  4. No. Write as you prefer. I still understand some Spanish.
    But.... please: full sentences, correct spelling, etc... If you can avoid Mobile Short Message Language, I'd be most grateful...
    Got it?

  5. Vale Diego no hay problema, es la costumbre!! se me hace hasta raro ver las frase escritas completamente!!

  6. I agree completamente con Diego...
