lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

A few more general numbers.... SURPRISE

Alright; a few more general numbers about this morning´s Jury for our first Short Exercise:
Students in Unit: 37
More or less complete proposals presented: 19
Clearly uncomplete proposals presented: 8
Students who didn't attend presentation at all: 10

Surprising, isn´t it?
More than 25% of students in the Unit have simply not done (or at least, not presented) their exercise.
Nearly 50% of students in the Unit, have clearly not completed their proposals, because they have not presented one or two of the minimum documents required (collage, axonometric, model).

Joaquín and I, we both feel pretty concerned about these numbers. We'd like to remind everyone that it is absolutely compulsary for all students who want to pass through this academic semester, to present ALL exercises. It's up to you.

So, few staments we can already make about today's Jury:
- As I said, we are very worried about these general numbers. It is unbearable to have half the students in the Unit not doing or not completing first exercise. What is going to happen with the long one which is much tougher?
- On the contrary, we are also suprised about compromise and effort demostrated by mexican students as a group. Congratulations. Continue like this.
- During the rest of this week, we'd like every student to publish in this blog a photo, a drawing, a collage or whatever document he/she thinks is the one that describes his/her proposal best. You must also look for a name for your proposal (those who haven't done it yet) and use it as a title for your entry in the blog.
- Next week, probably around Thursday, you'll receive your individual qualifications for your work in this Short Exercise.

3 comentarios:

  1. Respuestas
    1. Hola Profesores,tengo una consulta sobre lo expuesto. Sobre la parte de que colguemos en el blog una imagen que nos defina... (Es que he usado gogle traductor y mas o menos me entere pero esa parte salio algo liosa).

      Por otro lado decirles si subimos la entrega final del ejercicio corto a nuestro blog ¿no?

      y ya por ultimo si hay que llevar alguna cosa para este jueves de trabajo.Muchas gracias y un saludo

  2. David, se trata de colgar en este blog, una imgen, la más significativa de vuestro trabajo (en tu caso, personalmente colgaría el fotomontaje post-apocalíptico, pero tienes más cosas).
    En vuestro blog, debéis colgar todo, incluso los pasos previos que hayáis ido dando.
    Y con respecto al jueves, vamos a tener una clase de transición, pero si llevas algo pensado, no vamos a impedir que nos lo cuentes, desde luego.
