viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013


Enhorabuena a toda la unidad V&F, ya que sin el esfuerzo final no hubiera sido posible. La puesta en escena  :).

(Opinión personal) : Cada grupo debería estar orgulloso de su propuesta ya que aunque partíamos de una infraestructura no muy sugerente, todos hemos llegado a una definición unos mas detallada otros menos pero como unidad que somos se ha logrado que lleguemos todos al final. Que al principio habia dudas de que eso fuera posible ;), sin más daros las gracias de nuevo. Un saludo

jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

Grupo 4

Diego me ha comentado hoy que lo que faltase por corregir había que subirlo aquí. 
Pido primer!
Diego says to me this morning that who has thing to show today upload the images here.
 (Lo he intentado jaja)
Añadir leyenda

miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

Warm up... final instructions

OK! I suppose everything must be more or less ready. Let's hope so.
A little more work to do tomorrow morning, and this will be it. Congratulations in advance to everyone.

Here I leave you some final instructions, tasks and timestables for tomorrow. It's really important everyone contributes as much as possible. We know some of you have exams an other kind of appointments during the day. But, I repeat, as soon as you can, come quickly to the COAM. There's quite a lot of work to do, and if we are all there, in a couple of hours we'll finish and we'll be able to relax and have fun the rest of the day. But if only four or five people have to build the exhibition, things might get tough, I'll feel very dissapointed, and... you don't want to see how I react when I'm dissapointed, do you?

Therefore, this is our timetable:

10.00 a.m. I'll be at the COAM by that time to start working on the exhibition. I know some of you are coming then, bringging theirs and others material. We'll start preparing the final panels. EVERYONE THAT CAN, please arrive between 10.00 and 10.30. Plenty of work to sort out.
11.00 a.m. Joaquín will be arriving more or less at that time with the rest of the material we need. By this time EVERYBODY that doesn`t have an exam programmed at the UCJC should be helping at the COAM.
12.00 We've been told, that Geometry exam finishes at noon. After that, the rest of students, come quickly to the COAM to complete the instalation. My intention is to have our area ready at 13.30, so we can eat something before afternoon and evening lectures and juries.
15.00 Eduardo Arroyo will open the show with a brief lecture on his own work which is most advisable. The session will continue until 20.00 or so. All of it seems very, very interesting.
20.00 Drinks and catering
21.30 As Marta Toral told us, we'll start to tidy up then (not before). I think in half an hour everything should be ready, so by 10.00 p.m. you'll all be free to go for a swim if you wish... (or whatever...)

1. Every student that hadn't completed any of the documents requested on previous stages, steps, etc... must print their new documentation, bring it to the COAM, and hand it in to Joaquin or myself any moment along the day. No material will be received after tomorrow. With all the work done so far, the material you'll produce for tomorrow's show, and this extra documentation some of you might present tomorrow, we'll make your FINAL ASSESSMENT. So... it's up to you.
2. I know "el gallego" has been after most of you. I also remind you to bring all your models to the exhibition. We'll try to present as many as possible. But we need all of them there.
3. Of course, I imagine all the panels, first steps and final designs are already ready and printed. I hope "el malagüeño" has most of them so he'll take them to the COAM at 10.00 a.m., so we can start sticking them to their final supports. If not, sharp at 10.00 a.m. everybody with their panels there to allow us to start working.

I think this is more or less it. I'll only tell you it's quite a special date for myself, for various reason I'll shortly tell all of you. So I really ask you for a final effort to make this summer jury a great success. Thanks.

So... are you ready to rumble?

Thanks to our guests Germán Moreno, Isabel de Cárdenas and Marta Pastor for their collaboration on the last day of class of Unit V&F!!!

martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

#HospitalRobado #Concepto jeje

Aviso Importante Jury: Desmontaje

Lecturer in charge of ouy Jury & Exhibition is Marta Toral. Here you have the message she's just sent me:

"Buenas tardes a todos

AVISO IMPORTANTE para el jury del jueves:

La exposición de trabajos de alumnos se recoge DESPUÉS DEL CATERING (eso será a partir de las 21.30h seguramente, pero la hora es variable). Por favor, es importante que los alumnos NO SE LLEVEN EL MATERIAL HASTA EL FINAL para evitar el look "hospital robado" de otras ocasiones...
Os ruego que se lo comuniquéis expresamente por correo y que os encarguéis de que sea así a través de los encargados del "desmontaje", porque si no luego a mi no me hacen ni caso...

Muchas gracias a todos"

For those of you who don't know her yet, my personal advice is to do things exactly as she says. She's usually pretty clear and she adores to have everything under strict control. So.... we should all follow her instructions... (je, je, ;-) Marta)

After 21.30, in a quick quarter of an hour we can have all our material and spaces completely tidied up, and we'll be all ready to go for a(nother) drink.

PD. I don't quite understand the expression "look hospital robado". Any ideas?

Step 0

Por favor, mandadme los que faltais, una imagen vectorial, preferiblemente en perspectiva, para poderla pasar a illustrator y hacer el panel. Es decir, me sirve o el archivo en Autocad,Rhino o Revit del 3D, o de un dibujo en dwg del edificio en perpectiva(la que más os guste).... pero madadlo yaaaaaa!!

Please, send me all of yours a vectorial image, if Its posible in perspective, because of in this way I may import to illustrator and finish the panel. So, I'll need, on the one hand a 3D file in Autocad Rhino or Revit, or if you prefer a dwg drawing of your building in perspective.... but send it to me RIGHT NOW!!! please :-/

STEP 5 Maqueta+Programa

Hola favor de enviar lo antes posible el panel A4 de la Maqueta+ Programa. Hasta ahora solo esta el panel de Maria Jose y Jose Antonio faltan 11 mas. 

Lo pueden enviar a o poner subirlo al grupo de dropbox 


lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013

Assessment Step 9

We're nearly there...
Well done everyone. 

I think we had a really interesting session this morning. Comments made by our two guest juries were most helpful. We had asked them to be specially  clear with their assessment and to focus on your communication skills. You must all understand their opinions in this sense, and please try to improve in the future with all their valious advices. I personally think they were absolutely accurate. You must all be specially aware that our audiences in the future will not be mainly architects so it's most helpful to hear how our ideas are understood by a non-proffesional audience.

But Joaquin and I, we both know your designs pretty well and we also know how you normally explain yourselves. So, regarding this background, we both want to congratulate all Design Teams for their presentations. Well done, well prepared and good effort. Nevertheless, don't forget to continue practising and improving. You'll see your results pretty soon. We feel specially proud of those of you who are terribly shy and that have shown great difficulties in expressing their ideas in front of a big audience. Understand this exercise as a first step in a long, long way to go. We hope you've realised it's not that difficult, and that 80% of success relies on specific preparation. Good work!

As always, there are differences between groups. We obviously don't have any excellent presentations. But the eight of them were at least correct. We think, for different reasons, groups 1, 2,6,7 and 8 have done slightly better than design teams 3, 4 and 5. But what is most important is that all of them have demostrated an important improvement. 

We'll make a brief comment on each one of the presentations:

Design Group 1: Great improvement by Jesús! Continue practicing and you'll finally get rid of that monotonous voice entonation.
Design Group 2: Great visual supporting documentation! Well done Bárbara.
Design Group 3: Control your nerves Carlos. Much better, but still some way to go. Preparation is the best medicine for those nerves
Design Group 4: Clear presentation. A little more preparation would allow Sergio not to have to improvise so much. Anyway, he's also demostrated to have enough habilities to manage the situation
Design Group 5: Correct but rather cold presentation of your design. Good sketches and final images
Design Group 6: Very effective way to introduce your inside images. Very good idea!
Design Group 7: Great start... got a little lost in the second half. Use some of the ideas you've seen today.
Design Group 8: Great profit of the material you had produced. Good final sprint...

Our advice is that you should pay atention to this kind of sessions. Remember other students presentations and try to build a severe critic of your own one. Learn, copy, try to improve and complete future strategies for the same type of assigment. 

Let go for our jury... Final step! Really...

message sent !!!

Como buen mensajero, ya tenéis todos en vuestros emails ¨ las plantillas del JURY ¨ :). No me ha dado ningún fallo de envió así que si no le ha llegado a alguien que me avise al contacto de mi anterior post, y para cualquier ayuda que necesitéis estoy disponible ;).

P/D -> Si a alguien le va mal el formato psd que haga un jpg y lo ponga de fondo como imagen el autocad.

ANIMO A TODOS que ya es el ultimo esfuerzo, y enhorabuena a todos los que expusieron hoy.

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

Summer Jury & Exhibition

Final meeting point! Let's make it something special!

Beware it's taking place in LASEDE COAM, not in the Fundación as the last one.
Tomorrow morning we'll make final appointments after your presentations. Good luck for everyone and remember.... PRACTICE!

See you...

jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

Planning JURY ; unit VF

Exhibición Jury  : Unit VF 2013
                                 Profesores: Diego Fullaondo Buigas de Dalmau + Joaquín López Vaamonde.

                                 Exhibición: David García-Louzao Araujo (P.4) + José Antonio García Ruiz (P.6)

*Recuerdo la importancia del compromiso de todas las parejas, ¨ Hay buenas propuestas ¨ y esta es una buena oportunidad o escaparate para lucir el trabajo de cuatro largos meses (Puede pasar desapercibido o sacar pecho y lucirlos).

a)       Para la homogenización de los paneles indicaremos una plantilla común PSD(Photoshop)+ las bases de la IMPRESIÓN PARA TODOS LOS STEPS.

b)       Los paneles irán en base de cartón marrón, material que proporcionara la universidad
(Aún sin definir pero agradecimientos a Joaquín, por la obtención de ellos).

c)       Rogamos tenerlos cuanto antes, por el siguiente motivo ya que si hay que corregir algo que de tiempo para la exhibición. (Ideal sería 27 o 28/05/2013 con un o dos días de antelación).


Todos los paneles 22 en total en :

Formato : A1 VERTICAL ( Con la utilización de la respectiva plantilla ) .
PAPEL : A1 FOTOGRÁFICO  SATINADO  * Importante ya que la calidad de impresión es otro mundo.
(Me han informado que si se tiene el recibo del costo la universidad reembolsara la cantidad) Así que POR FAVOR no hay escusas.

Distribuiremos el trabajo en dos partes :

1º) Steps 0,1,2,3,4,5.
2º) Steps 6,7,8.  

1º) Un panel A1 por grupo.

Step 0 : Iñigo + Cristina  (Panel presentación)

En vuestro hacer recae el peso de enganchar a los espectadores ( Un panel con imágenes sugerentes que inviten a acercarse y a documentarse más sobre los proyectos seria más que deseable).  

Sugerencia (Esquema tipológico) :

Plantilla + PREGUNTA (que hacer con la arquitectura vacía) + Respuesta Unit VF ¨ RELOADING M3 ¨ + Las mejores imágenes de cada propuesta en un panel resumen( Ya que se detallara en el hueco de step 6,7,8).

Además estaría bien que en el hueco que te sobre de la presentación hagas una jerarquización de los integrantes de la unidad, ya que sin ellos nada de esto seria realizado.
(Como una carta de presentación).

Ejemplo :

Profesores : Nombres completos (Diego+Joaquín)

Resposables :
Exhibición ->       Nombres completos (David + Jose)
Presentación –>  Nombres completos (Arian + Mª Jose)

Integrantes :

Nombres completos de la unidad.

(Ya que hemos colaborado todos hay que dejar constancia de ello, sería ideal algo así).

Step 1 : Sergío ( Toma de datos (Puesta en obra))  1 A1 VERTICAL.
Creo que estaría bien que apareciese la foto del grupo con Joaquín y diego  en el centro explicando. ( después resumen de los datos que creas convenientes y maquetado con la plantilla).
Step 2 : Mª Jose + Rafael ( Creación de la documentación gráfica) A1 VERTICAL.
Step 3 : Carlos + Laura  ( Progrmas + FOTO RESULTADOS *pedir a Joaquín)
*Exponerlo con la plantilla y ser lo ams creativos posibles ya que había buenas propuestas.
Step 4 : Arturo + Angel (Maquetas) IMPORTANTE las maquetas estarán expuestas.
Por lo que más que poner fotos de ellas que también debéis hacerlo, teneis que explicar un poco el paso hablando de la experimentación formal de lo existente, con algunas fotos de las maquetas mas sugerentes que se votaron.
Step 5 : (¿Adela?+ ¿? )  (Maqueta+ reprogramación)
Había buenas propuestas así que ser creativas con la plantilla del A1, recopilación y presentación ánimo.

2º) Dos paneles A1 por grupo.

Ser lo más creativos recopilando la información que podáis, ya que este punto a al nivel que llegamos cuanto mejor este mejor quedaremos.
Grupo 1 : Jesús + Laura (Ojo imágenes ,alzados y esquemas llegar a un equilibrio).
Grupo 2 : Bárbara + Dimitra (Buen proyecto, sacarle el máximo provecho).
Grupo 3 :  Enrique (Animo ya que lo haces en solitario)
Grupo 4 : Lavigna + Miguel  ( Recopilación + Maquetación )
Grupo 5 : ¿Daniela+ Aikaterini? (Pareja grupo 5 no se quienes se encargan) (Recopilacion de info+ maquetación).
Grupo 6 : Miguel + Luis ( Recopilación y unificación de grafismo, es decir homogeneidad en la entrega).
Grupo 7 : Francisco + Alberto ( Recopilación + Maquetación).
Grupo 8 :  Panagiotis + Martha ( Recopilación + Maquetación).

Ya que hace un 10% de descuento ( además se encuentra el mismo panel fotográfico A1 SATINADO ) .

Gracias por leer y animo yo que ha salido un buen curso vamos a acabarlo como se merece J

Contacto : 

David  Nº telef. 660044669 ( Line, Whatsapp,Facebook)   -  charla al momento.

Jose : 647039096 ( Whatsapp,facebook) 
Email :

P/D -> Sin hacer bromitas ¬¬ jaja 

miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013

Step 10: Jury&Exhibition

This is it. We arrive to our final step. Next Thursday 30 May we'll celebrate the Summer Jury&Exhibition at the COAM. Joaquín and I we've both thought that the special methodology we've worked with in our Unit deserves a special final effort to try to show it to rest of the School. Therefore we were thinking about organizing a little bit our work in order to present it at the Exhibition and, perhaps, in the critical session. If we only showed the Final results achieved by each Design Team, we consider we'll not be really fair with all the work you've developed. 

Organization needs a little time. So it's absolutely compulsary that we all discuss different possibilities and strategies. We appoint EVERY STUDENT in the Unit, tomorrow morning at 12.00, in our usual classroom. We'll tell you our ideas, discuss them largely, and we'll sort out different responsabilities and tasks for EACH STUDENTS towards the Jury and Exhibition organization. It is VERY, VERY IMPORTANT that everyone attends so the good work we've done so far is completed and presented as best as possible.

Therefore, first important issue in this entry: IMPORTANT CLASS tomorrow, Thursday 23 May. Everybody there please! We need all of you to have success in this final Step 10. If you meet any student in the unit in the Campus today, please remind him/her of tomorrows' appointment just in case he/she doesn't read the blog

Apart from organizing this basic aim, if anyone wishes to, we might speak about your presentations on Monday, or the completion of some individual work we've already comment with each one of you. We need and ABSOLUTE COMPROMISE from everyone of you for this last semester week. Just one more week!

Quoting the basic tasks each student in the Unit must complete along this last  week:

1. Complete/Correct INDIVIDUAL WORK of previous stages
2. Prepare DESIGN TEAM PRESENTATIONS on Monday 27 June (a couple of students from each team)
3. SPECIFIC TASKS sorted out tomorrow for the FINAL JURY on the 30

One last effort! See you ALL tomorrow morning.

Let's work out a good presentation of our Re_loading m3 Unit!!!!

martes, 21 de mayo de 2013

Assessment Step 8

Much better! I must say the Unit as a whole has certainly improved on this Step. Congratulations to all of you, and specially to those Teams who where having more difficulties on lastest stages. The difference is pretty obvious: you've finally decided to work a little bit, both individually and as the teams you were supposed to be. I hope benefits of this type of attitude are clear for all of you as they are for us. That'll mean you've really learnt something.

Of course there are still differences between the quality and quantity of the design developed by each group. And by each Team Member, certainly. But as I said, every Team has improved as has most individual work. Anyway, don't relax just now, because there still some work to be done, preparing presentations for next Monday and completing and/or correcting your documentation for the jury on May 30. All comments made to each Team and Team member should be included in the Final Semester Documentation presented on the Jury. If you have any doubts about what we expect from each one of you, we can repeat our indications next  Thursday during our normal class.

As on previous steps, we'll now make our Team and Individual assesment:


Design Team 1: Excellent. Great work during all semester with a really difficult proposal. We feell specially proud of your behaivour as a Team, making members who might have started with much less confidence on their individual skills, complete an excellent semester, really improving their work. Well done. You just need to complete a few things... Do it!

Design Team 2: Good work. Still some too big differences between the tasks developed by each member. It's time that people who have contributed less to the team, work hard and really complete a very truthful and interesting proposal.

Design Team 3: Good work also. Pity you've lost one member, but the proposal has finally found it's way out, after a few weeks where you seemed a bit lost. Now that you can see it, run to the finish line.

Design Team 4: Again, good work. Very good final weeks. But you need to complete the proposal. You started late. You've caught up the rest. But now you have to finish well. Don't stop.

Design Team 5: Good improvement. You seemed almost completely lost last steps, but now you've found and appropiate way to complete your design. We think you've finally solved your initial difficulties. Congratulations. But now, really complete and correct all those aspects we've spoke about these past weeks. Everything with "fit" in your design much better right now.

Design Team 6: Really good work. Difficulties with team work, late proposal, new model,.... But you've got there. If you are able to complete it you'd have designed a very good project against all kind of difficulties. 

Design Team 7: Good work. It should be excellent, but it's not. At the moment. We know it's difficult, but you must kind of press the pause button for a second and re-think, re consider, re-visit the initial model, and then decide the very special and particular values of your proposal. After that, design to achieve those goals. You've done the difficult part: Understand the possibilities and behaviour of the type of morphology you choosed. You must now explore and design with it's strenght. Don't walk back to previous or different type of buildings. Anyway... very good effort.

Design Team 8: Good improvement for you also. For a moment we thought we had lost you. You've sprinted well and you might make it. Complete your design and work as you've done these couple of weeks. Just a little more,come on!

As on previous stage, we'll assess by tasks, rather than teams. We think you'll have a clearer idea this way:

Excellent: 1, 2, 4, 6
Good Work: 3, 7
Enough: 5, 8

3D Images:
Excellent: 1
Good Work: 6
Enough: 2 (complete and print), 5, 7
Must improve: 4 (solve your problems), 8, 3(out)

Plans, Sections, Elevations:
Excellent: 1 (but complete documentation requested or I'll personally kill you: All plans and elevation)
Good Work: 3, 4, 6, 7 (anyway, all four have to complete documentation)
Enough: 2, 5, 8 (quite a lot of work to do for the Jury)

Excellent: 1, 3
Good Work: 2 (messy, clarify your ideas and presentation)
Enough: 4, 5, 6, 7 (have a look at previous examples. Remember, concept panel, not resume panel)
Must improve: 8 (not really presented)

That's it. see you on Thursday to solve any doubts you may have about these or any presentation step's topic.

An interesting interview... Toni Segarra

I've always loved the world of advertising. I've just read this long interview to one of the very big gurus we have in Spain, Tony Segarra. Pretty interesting if you have some time to go through all of it.


Step 9: Presentations

Next Monday 27 May we shall celebrate our Final Presentations Session, starting sharp at 12.00.
Each Design Team has to make a 5 minute presentation of their work during this semester. You may use any kind of visual material you find appropiate (.ppt,  video, panels, ...). But the main part of your presentation, and the issues that will mainly be assessed on this Step are your Oral Presentation Skills.
This means you must deeply focus this aspect: prepare what you are going to say and how you'll present it.

You've got plenty of information, advices and examples on the internet about how to make good presentations. Both in it's visual and it's communicational aspects. I suggest you have a careful look at some of them before you start preparing yours. If you just write "How to make presentations" on google you'll find tons of information on the topic. 

There are quite a few different strategies. But most of them come to enphasize the same 4 or 5 basic rules. I'll quote some of them for you (but please do your own research):
- I've liked one that builds the acronime ACT as three basic clues for good presentations: A for Audience, C for Clarity and T for Timming.
- Structure your presentation: Introduction / Development / Strong conclusion.
- You may find some advices for thse three great stages of the presentation: 
1. Clear, brief start. Present yourself. Expose the topic you'll be speaking about. And comunicate the basic structure you'll follow. 
2. Go through your designs with a clear and structured presentation of the basic streghts your proposal contains. 
3. Make sure you end with a strong conclusion that the audience is able to understand after your presentation.
- There are many useful rules for visual material: 8 seconds rule (the audience will only pay real atention to a slide for a maximum of 8 seconds); 6 lines (nobody reads more that 6 lines on a slide); 6 words (nobody reads a title with more than 6 words); 3 ideas (nobody remember more than three ideas in a presentations)... I must say that, surprisingly, these rules really do work.
- A lot of advices deal will common errors in presentations: Reading, being too monotonous, not using different entonations to engage audience atention, etc... 
- And all experts confirm the only way to achieve a good presentation is PRACTICE. Rehearsal. They usually tell us to practice several times with a cronometer: In front of a mirror, to your dog, to a friend, to your parents... Practice and practice.

Go for it and we'll see you on Thursday to continue speaking about all these topics. It would be advisable that all Design Teams brought a sketch of their intentions to our session to discuss their accurary. Good luck.

jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013


I've always loved these photo finish pictures... I don't know why really, but I find them fascinating. Real frozen instants...

Well. Today we've had our last correction. I've been able to have a look at the work of design teams 1, 2 and 3. All of them have still a lot of work to do during the weekend but I think it's useful that I remind everyone of a few aspects related to each one of the documents requested.

Concept Panel/s: 
They are not resume panels. They are mean to clearly show the most important decisions you've made along your design process. So, remember where you started, what you thought and what decisions you made on the 9 differnet steps we've had. Then communicate them clearly and briefly. As if it was a story board. Use text, images, diagrams, drawings... whatever mean is best to trasmit your ideas.

The eight model will have to be presented at Final Jury and Exhibition on May 30 at the COAM. So take your time a produce a persuasive and atractive object that focuses the strenght of you design.

It is not enough to draw simple coherent 2D documentation. Each one of your documents must have a hell of a lot of information presented with a complete communicational strategy. Of course they must be a description of the material appearance of the proposal, but they should also include as must information as you are able to: heights, activities, textures, contructive materials, use, surroundings,.... Everything physical and even not physical that might be important to understand your proposal.

The most difficult one is the interior space description. Do struggle with it. I've seen a couple of approaches today. Choose an interesting and significant point of view with your 3D rendering and, after that, concentrate in the post production of the image. A collage can be much more effective than waisting time in great preciseness with 3D modelling.

Good luck all of you and we'll meet on Monday at 12.00.

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

Changing some plans...

Unluckily I've been not able to go to Greece this week. Pity. 

Hence, next Thursday I'll be available for any Design Team at the School as usual. If anyone has a special interest in speaking with me on Thursday, please make a comment to this post to let me know.

Anyway I update all of you with latest changes in our timetable and final activities until the end of the semester:

Thursday 17 May, final design corrections
Monday 20 May, deadline for step 8
Thursday 24 May, discussion step 9, final presentations
Monday 27 May, final presentations
Thursday 30 May, summer jury

And, that will be all folks...
See you on Thursday if you wish (not compulsory)

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

Starting to think about final presentations...

All Design Teams must start to think about their final presentations. Apart from completing and correcting your designs should try to imagine the most appropiate stategy to communicate it. Not every project must be communicated in the same way. You must detect it's basic strenghts and enfasize them with your presentation.

Some people say there are no clear rules for these strategies. It's a lie. There are plenty of them. And you must start to read about them, practise their effectiveness, and slowly find your own expressive strategy within  those rules.

I leave you here a brief and rather simple first approach to these design rules. We'll speak about these aspects next lectures and I strongly recommend that you make your own research on this issue. 

Believe me: It's very, very important. 
An excellent design can be completely spoiled with an inadequate presentation. And it's a real pity. 
On the other hand: Quite dull projects, or even projects with significant design errors inside them, can hide their kack of real interest.

Start working out your strategies...

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

"Cuando entregas proyectos sin haber corregido.."

Again these people from They are simply great!

Besides, this is an advice from all Design Teams: Next Thursday is the LAST day to see, comment and discuss your proposals before final entry.... 
It's up to you, but we believe we should see everyone of you!

Otherwise.... Splash!

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

Assessment Step 7

In this case I think it was pretty obvious that the largest difference between the work of the eight Design Teams was simply quantity. Some teams have really made a great effort to be able to produce all the documents requested on this stage. And others simply haven't. As you can imagine, this situation makes our assessment much easier. Besides this absolutelly obvious difference, it must also be stated that it's normal that Teams with all documents presented normally achieve a much higher quality in each of them, due to the discussions and development the've had to deal with as a Team.

So, first important conclusion for all teams, regarding next (few) steps: You must complete all documentation requested (we never thought it would be neccesary to say yhis but...).

Apart from this, here is our assessment of your work. As we said, it's been much easier because simply regarding the quantity of work presented, differences between designs are very clear. Anyway, again we've made a double assessment: one regarding the global Team work done by each Desdign Team; and the second one related to your individual work inside your team.


Team 1, has done an excellent entry, and most of all, they are continiously pussing the whole unit forward, starting each step really quickly and achieving very good results at every stage. Congratulations.

Teams 7 and 4, have also done a very good work. Different though. Team 7 has been struggleling with a difficult proposal for a month or so, but we think you've finally find the way. And Team 4 has started their work rather later than others, but they are doing well right now. Both of you, continue like this till the end and you'll certainly achieve very good results.

Teams 3 ands 6, have not done a bad work... but we really want more. Again there are some differences between the two groups. Team 6 has started really late, with a new model just a few weeks ago, but we think you're progressing well. Work as a team and complete a good semester. On the other hand, Team 3 started a long time ago with a great initial model, and you're having more difficulties than expected to develop it properly. You're moving forward but perhaps too slowly. Come on!

Teams 2, 5 and 8 must improve their performance. In most cases you must simply complete all documents requested with a level of compromise similar to other Design Groups. Have a look at their work.


In order to make evaluation of your work easier, we have assessed each document comparing it with the same type of document developed by other teams. We think differences between them, will let you have a much clearer idea of what is requested for each task. Here are a brief conclusions:

Excellent models by Teams 1, 4 and 7.
Good work by Team 6
Just enough Team 3
Teams 5 and 8 must work harder
Team 2, not presented.

Constructive Sections:
Excelent, Teams 1 and 4
Just enough, 2 and 6
Must improve, 5, 7 and 8
Team 3, not presented

Structural 3D:
Excelent, Team 1
Very good, 7, 2 and 4
Not bad, Team 3
Improval demanded, Teams 5 and 6
Team 8, not presented

New Plans and Sections:
Good work by Teams 6 and 7
Just correct, 1, 3 and 4
Need more work, 5 and 6
Team 2, not presented.

Curiously, perhaps the worst document on this step has been your new plans and sections. We suggest you concentrate your effort on this issue this coming step, because they are really the basic architectural document of any proposal.

This is it. One more very important design step to go. If you really want to do something this semester, it's now or never: a couple of crutial weeks... Good luck and see you on Monday