lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

Step 5: Connecting Programs & Models

Our next step consists in connencting the Re-Programming Proposals we were able to present a couple of weeks ago with the Individual Models you've just handed in.

Methodology for this step will be the following:
- Students will work in couples, exactly the same ones we made for the reprogramming step.
- Each couple must choose a Reprogramming Proposal of those presented to the Unit, and a Model developped by any of the students.
- You may choose your own proposal in both cases (model or programatic proposal), or any other. But each couple must present only ONE connection between a model and a program. Therefore we should finally have 16 connection proposals' for the site.
- In their final proposal, each couple may complete or modify a more precise functional and programatic program approach. 
- Each couple may also select a combination of two or more models, presenting an quick global image of their intentions.
- Entries for this step will be a printed on a single DIN-A4, with an image of the Model selected (or collage if neccesary) and a brief description of the way the couple intends to implant their selected Reprogramming proposal on the model.
- All entries should be ready for Thursday 4 April, at 12.00 in normal class timetable, so we have enough time to present and discuss all proposals. After discussion, we'll select a group of tandems (Program-Model) which will the the final projects the Unit will develop until the end of the semester, with students sorted out in different large teams.

A few advices:
- Of course you should choose the model according to your particular opinions about the ideas presented by all the rest of the Unit. Try to have a calm look at all models, trying to understand others intentions and to get a glimpse of their possibilities. You can also select your own model (just one in the couple) but I must tell you we have 7 or 8 really good and different ideas in your models. Try to locate them.
- It is possible to combine two models. It even may be a good idea in some cases. But you must be able to make a good collage of the two models, so we can have a clear idea of your intentions.
- Presented models are part of a work in progress. So they are not the final proposal. Try to look at them in this way. They are not deffinitive, and they'll certainly along the rest of the semester. So you must search for their possibilities rather than their apperance (although we know well done models suggest much many possibilies).
- It could be a good strategy to gather the 28 models in morphological families in order to understand more clearly the different values of each one.
- Regarding the Re-programming Step, proposals are less strong. It's a good moment to reconsider what has been said and done during last lectures.
- And finally, each team must consider the indivudual values of both the program and the model they wish to select. But most of all you must study the possibilies and capacities of the morphological solution to embrace the functional activity. Study the tandem capacities rather than individual values.

That's about it. Good Luck, have a wonderful Easter Holiday and see you on Thursday 4 April at 12.00 sharp.

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