martes, 12 de febrero de 2013

Talking about Architecture: Eurovegas?

This semester I'm going to open another little section in this blog. I'll ask you about certain issues around our great world of Architecture and I'd like to hear/read you personal opinions. Don't be afraid. I feel you must get used to talk about Architecture, learn how to construct a brief architectural o general critic, and slowly define your way to understand this complex discipline we adore...

I'm not looking for tough and long essays. But it would be interesting that you tried to adress your particular point of view in a brief comment to the entry. Or perhaps you'd prefer to post an independent one in the blog. Perfect in any case. The idea is that we hear/read each other, speaking about Architecture. I'll also post my opinions, sometimes before and sometimes after the question I make (by the way, if anybody wants to propose any other issue, do so. The only condition is that the person who makes the question MUST express his/her opinion)

Some weeks ago I posted the entry "LSP, una opinión nada más". It could certainly be understood as Chapter 0 of this new section. Please do feel free to comment it.

In this entry I'd like to discuss the huge Eurovegas operation that's just been approved for Alcorcón. What do you think about it?

[feel confortable, write either in Spanish or English]

1 comentario:

  1. Un atractivo turístico nuevo ,ademas es innegable que una gran parte de la población mundial se siente atraído por este mundo de juego,perversión,etc.

    Creo que va mas aya de opinar si te gusta o no, ya que llega en una época que nuestro país necesita generar empleo y sera una gran fuente de ingresos, si sale como los otros macroproyectos que ya ha realizado ese mismo hombre ademas es bueno que grandes fortunas vengan a invertir a este país ya que lo enriquece .

    En lo referente a la arquitectura habrá que esperar a ver como evoluciona y definen el proyecto ya que puede ser una revulsivo para que grandes empresas que convoquen concursos para situarse cerca y así lucrarse también, y así dar posibilidades a los estudios de arquitectura españoles.
