viernes, 22 de febrero de 2013


I'd like to thank all of you for the Jury we had yesterday. I saw most of you around there and I think we had a really good time. You're pretty young so I must tell you it is not that usual that a bunch of people gather around a strange and obsesive discipline like ours, and simply celebrate it's existance. We are all trying to handle many difficulties around arquitecture, and events as yesterdays', make me feel accompanied and hopeful.

Long Life for Architecture!

PD1. Special thanks for all those who brought material for the exhibition, for those who helped us with our Unit Stand and, of course, for David and his excellent presentation (in my opinion, the best of the eight presented... je, je... teachers' proud).

PD2. Alberto Durero, La melancolía, a very important picture for all architects. Have a calm look at it. I understand it as the best portrait of the architect (It's really all black and white. Green is mine. I love that magic square!)

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