sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2012

Christmas HOMEWORK

We've seen all (nearly) your Final Pre-Entries during these last couple of days. It's been quite exhausting but I think we were finally able to make several comments on each of your proposals, indicating what you should correct and/or complete in your projects. As a reminder, we post the following resume of our global assessment of your work so far.
We've made four groups of students according to the quality and quantity of your development the day you presented your Pre-Entry. Let's hope it's enough to let each of you have a clear idea of the effort you should make during this Christmas in order to prepare a good final Entry the 10 January.

The work of each student has been assessed following this scale:

A: Well done, complete your proposal for Final Entry.
B: Correct and Complete your proposal.
C: You should work VERY HARD to correct, develop and complete your proposal
D: Your Final Entry has to be  completely developed as other students have
done during our semester

Here are our assessments:

Sergio: D
David: A
Carlos: C
Laura: D
M.Jose: A
Franco: D
Marcela: B
Daniela: C
Dimitra: A

Jesús: C
Fco. Javier: D
M.José: C
Inigo: C
Sergio: C

Laura: D
Bárbara: D
Jorge: D
J.Antonio: A
Cristina: D
Adela: C
Colter: C
Rafael: B
J.Alejandro: C
Federica: B
Ingrida: C
Arian: A

Luis: C
Pedro: A
M.Angel: D
Alfredo: A
Isabel: B
Sergio: D
Enrique: D
Paola: C
M.Leticia: B
Abraham: C

Vicenta: B


That's all. Sorry but I'm afraid you all have quite a bit of homework.
Anyway, we wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

1 comentario:

  1. Pues a trabajar se ha dicho, animo a toda a unidad con sus proyectos y FELICES ZOMBI/FIESTAS :)
