martes, 8 de enero de 2013

Finish Line

We are finally arriving to our finish line. Let's clarify and remind everyone about how we're going to organize ourselves for this Final Entry:

Date and time: Thursday 10 January 2013. We are going to try to start at 11.00 a.m., so we ask everybody to arrive sharp at that time.

Presentation order: We'll be asking each student to forward his/her Final Presentation, stricty following this list:
Jesús/Fco. Javier/M.José/Inigo/Sergio/
If somebody isn't ready when called, we'll just jump over his/her turn, and, if there's enough time, we'll listen to the presentation at the end of the class.
Presentation Format: When called, every student must, (1)hand in all the documents that compose his/her Final Proposal, and (2) has 5 minute period to present the proposal to all Unit.
We won`t make any comment on the documents you hand in.
We'll be extremely strict with timing. Prepare you presentation thouroughly, focus on the most important strengths of your proposal and try to effectively convice us, your audience as if we were your clients or a competition jury.
At the end of your presentation we'll make a very brief comment on your semester work.
Minimum Documents required for Assessment: We remind you of the minimum documents required to consider your entry as "Completed":
(1)CONCEPT PANEL: DIN A-1 panel, showing links between zombie- fication’s rate and conclusions, and proposed actions to achieve it’s reversal
Scale: Left up to student’s choice
Format: Left up to student’s choice. We suggest collage, diagrams, sketches, etc…
(2)LARGE SCALE STRATEGY: Urban and large scale re-configuration of the site.
Scales: Left up to student’s choice.
Format: Left up to student’s choice. Minimum compulsory documentation: MODEL, PLANS, ELEVATION and GLOBAL IMAGE of final general state. We also suggest, catalogue of actions, intermediates status, means, programmatic implantation, etc…
(3)SMALL SCALE STRAGEGY: Technological development of a selected example of small scale actions and consequences in built infrastructure.
Scale: Left up to student’s choice
Format: Left up to student’s choice. Minimum compulsory documentation: MODEL, PLANS, ELEVATIONS, CONSTRUCTIVE AXONOMETRIC and GLOBAL IMAGE of modified appearance of selected example. We also suggest, catalogue of actions, intermediates status, means, programmatic implantation, etc…
(4)PROPOSAL FINAL PRESENTATION: 5 minute .PPT presentation of each global strategy in front of the whole Unit.
It shouldn't be necessary but we remind you to clearly print on each of your panels and documents (including of course models), your name, your proposal's title, the project level you're studing this semester, our Unit, and all other information you consider important to correctly undertand the panels (i.e. if it's concept panel, or a large scale elevation, or a small scale axonometric, or...).
We wish everyone Good Luck and we'll see you on Thursday at 11.00 a.m.

3 comentarios:

  1. Los que tenemos Construcción 2 con Deltell no podemos ir a la entrega a las 11:00 a.m. porque estaremos en un examen a esa hora. ¿Entregamos más tarde?

  2. Don´t worry. Arrive as soon as possible... And good luck also with Deltell!

  3. Hola!

    ya está mi entrega en el blog, pero no estoy segura si ya me agregaron a la lista de blogs de alumnos... entonces aquí está el link de mi blog otra vez:
