Tres grandes infraestructuras edificatorias propuestas como casos de estudio prototípicos en Reloading m3: Aeropuerto de Castellón, Residencial Hernando en Seseña y Centro Niemeyer en Avilés.
Unidad V&F:
“Reloading m3”
La nueva Unidad V&F concentra sus objetivos para el curso 2012-2013 dentro del marco común establecido por el conjunto del Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectónicos de la UCJC: Estudiar el conjunto de nuevas oportunidades profesionales que se presentan para los arquitectos del futuro en España, concentradas en la Re-utilización, Re-conversión, Re-visión y Re-configuración de un tejido edificatorio extremadamente voluminoso que, por diversas circunstancias, ha quedado obsoleto, abandonado o infrautilizado casi inmediatamente a continuación de su finalización.
Es evidente que el escenario profesional de los arquitectos en general y de los españoles en particular, ha cambiado con velocidad a lo largo de los últimos años. Los más optimistas, ingenuos o nostálgicos, confían en que esta situación de crisis obedezca a un desajuste coyuntural que el mero paso del tiempo será capaz de devolver su estado previo. Sin embargo, en el Departamento de Proyectos de la UCJC entendemos que, sin menospreciar las importantes causas-efectos de la severa coyuntura particular actual, estos cambios son un síntoma evidente de una modificación estructural muy profunda que impedirá que la situación pretérita vuelva a reproducirse. Es urgente y necesaria la reflexión sobre el papel, atribución y responsabilidad que deberá asumir el arquitecto en la nueva sociedad y paisaje que se vislumbra.
Desde esta convicción el Departamento propone abordar el estudio de una de las alternativas profesionales que se intuyen para los arquitectos: A la vista del enorme volumen edificatorio construido en España durante los últimos decenios y que precipitadamente ha quedado, como mínimo, infrautilizado, en lugar de concentrar la acción del arquitecto en la generación de más nuevas construcciones, proponemos la invención de estrategias que posibiliten la rentabilización energética de todos los enormes esfuerzos realizados en el pasado. Esfuerzos de todo tipo, materiales, económicos, sociales y paisajísticos fueron volcados en una gran masa edificada a lo largo y ancho de todo el territorio, y sin embargo, por la causa que fuera, no alcanzaron los resultados ni los efectos que perseguían, convirtiéndose en gigantescos monumentos a la ineficacia y el despilfarro energético. Dejando en segundo término el debate ético y la crítica estéril de la situación pasada, el Departamento pretende concentrarse en la elaboración de propuestas alternativas que permitan revertir esta situación.
Para ello se ha seleccionado una serie de casos de estudio paradigmáticos de diferentes grandes tipos de construcciones en las que es muy evidente esta problemática. El curso 2012-2013 intentará proponer alternativas para su recuperación. Una de las oportunidades profesionales más significativas del arquitecto en la sociedad futura será la invención de estrategias de acción sobre lo existente, más concretamente, sobre los errores constatados del pasado reciente, para conseguir invertir su resultado negativo, maximizar su eficacia y rentabilizar los recursos y esfuerzos que fueron necesarios para su aparición.
Operaciones a gran escala conceptualmente similares a la propuesta se han producido en el pasado. La más reciente, global y exitosa es probablemente la Re-conversión de tejidos e infraestructuras industriales de las ciudades y el territorio para adaptarse a la civilización denominada post-industrial. Para la reflexión propuesta en este curso, la Unidad V &F, propone la acción sobre otros tipos de tejidos, que han caído también en una situación de obsolescencia, en este caso, prematura. Se han seleccionado tres tipos de infraestructura edificatoria, con un ejemplo paradigmático de cada una de ellas:
- Infraestructura de movilidad: Aeropuerto de Castellón
- Infraestructura de viviendas: Residencial Francisco Hernando, Seseña.
- Infraestructura cultural: Centro Niemeyer, Avilés
Cada uno de los tres casos, y cada uno por sus causas particulares, sufre un estado de infrautilización actual grave o muy grave. Durante el curso la Unidad V &F analizará los tres casos, cada alumno seleccionará de entre ellos su objeto de trabajo y elaborará una propuesta de acción y estrategia sobre ella.
La metodología y planificación de ejercicios de la unidad se dirige el desarrollo de la capacidad inventiva, creativa y propositiva del arquitecto en este escenario tan particular, en dos situaciones diferenciadas, consideradas, lamentablemente con demasiada frecuencia antagónicas.
- La primera es la invención inicial, el desencadenante del proyecto, el primer esbozo que comienza el complicado proceso que cristalizará finalmente en el complejo documento del proyecto de arquitectura.
- La segunda, es el mantenimiento de esa misma actitud y voluntad de invención constante en cada una de las fases de desarrollo del proyecto, sin abandonarlo a la mera resolución constructiva ya constatada.
Ejercitar y desarrollar la capacidad de inventar y proponer del alumno en estos dos estadios que deben atravesar todos los proyectos es el método docente fundamental de la Unidad V &F.
La primera está habitualmente considerada dentro del ámbito de responsabilidad del arquitecto. Pero sin embargo suele recurrirse para su explicación y análisis a conceptos tan vagos como “inspiración”, “arte” o “mágica iluminación” del arquitecto. La unidad intentará sistematizar y racionalizar estos herméticos conceptos para, sin perjuicio de asumir cualquier tipo de vector desencadenante para los proyectos, conseguir que el alumno desarrolle su propio sistema de generación de nuevas ideas.
La segunda de las situaciones intenta corregir un desajuste demasiado frecuente en multitud de proyectos. Una vez superado el incómodo instante inicial en el que se asume el grado de incertidumbre y falta de seguridad asociado al acto creativo, se abandona velozmente este entorno incierto, para volcar el proyecto directamente en el mundo de las verdades supuestamente indiscutibles. La capacidad de invención del arquitecto se hace en ese momento prescindible. Es considerada incluso no deseable. La enorme relevancia que tendrá el conocimiento y acción sobre una realidad ya construida, hará imprescindible para el alumno seguir inventando o, al menos, adaptando e incorporando, estrategias de materialización rigurosas y verosímiles a su propuesta en todas sus fases de desarrollo.
Los ejercicios planteados para este primer cuatrimestre del curso 2012-2013 son dos: Un primer ejercicio corto destinado a establecer los conceptos básico de la acción del arquitecto sobre la realidad material existente; y un segundo ejercicio consistente en la elaboración de una propuesta de actuación concreta sobre uno de los tres casos de estudio planteados
Estrategia de reconfiguración para las fachadas de los bloques de viviendas del Residencial Hernando en Seseña.
Duración: 3 semanas.
Valoración académica: 25%
Reloading m3 (Castellón/Seseña/Avilés)
Análisis, selección y exposición de propuesta de acción sobre uno de los casos de estudio.
Duración: 3 semanas.
Valoración académica: 25%
Propuesta de Actuación sobre [Castellón/Seseña/Avilés]: Definición y desarrollo.
Duración: 9 semanas.
Valoración académica: 50%
Umberto Eco
Editorial Seix Barral S.A., 1965
Umberto Eco
Editorial Lumen, 1972
EL SIGNO DE LOS TRES. Dupin, Holmes, Peirce
Umberto Eco, Thomas A.Sebeok (Umberto Eco (Cuernos, cascos y zapatos), Thomas A. Sebeok, Jean Umiker-Sebeok, Marcello Truzzi, Carlo Ginzburg, Massimo A. Bonfantini, Giampaolo Proni, Gian Paolo Carettini, Jaakko Hintikka, Merrill B. Hintikka, Nancy Harrowitz, Wulf Rehder)
Editorial Lumen S.A., 1989
Nueva Forma nº28
Juan Daniel Fullaondo
Editorial Alfaguara “Nueva Forma”, 1968
Bruno Zevi
Editorial Poseidon, 1980
Fisuras de la Cutura contemporánea nº 12 1/2
Federico Soriano (Bart Lootsma)
Federico Soriano, 2002
AMOMA / Rem Koolhaas / &&& Simon Brown, Jon Link
Taschen, 2004
El reencuentro con el suelo de la arquitectura contemporánea
Ilka & Andreas Ruby
Editorial Gustavo Gili, 2005
Three huge building infrastructures suggested as case studies in Reloading m3: Castellón Airport, Hernando Residential in Seseña and Niemeyer Center in Aviles.V&F Unit:
"Reloading m3"
The new V&F Unit focuses its objectives for the academic year 2012-2013 in, within the common framework established by the joint Department of Architectural Design at the UCJC: Considering the set of new professional opportunities that are presented to the future architects in Spain concentrated in the Re-use, Re-conversion, Re-vision and Re-configuration of an extremely bulky building tissue that, because of various reasons, has become obsolete, abandoned or underused almost immediately following its completion.
Clearly the professional stage of architects in general and Spanish ones in particular, has changed quickly over the years. The more optimistic, naive or nostalgic, hope that this crisis obey a cyclical mismatch that the mere passage of time will be able to return to its previous state. However, in the UCJC Projects Department, we understand that, without neglecting the important causes-effects of the severe current particular juncture, these changes are a clear sign of a deep structural change that will prevent the situation bygone reproduce again. It is urgent and necessary reflection on the role and responsibility attribution must assume the architect in society and the new landscape that is emerging.
From this conviction, the Department proposes to approach the study of one of the career options that are sensed for architects: Watching the enormous volume built in Spain in recent decades that has fallen precipitously at least underused, rather than architect action concentrating on generating more new construction, we propose the invention of strategies that enable them to profit energy of all the great efforts made in the past. Efforts of all kinds, physical, economic, social and landscape were overturned in a large building mass far and wide across the territory, however, whatever the cause, did not achieve the results or effects in pursuit, becoming in giant monuments to inefficiency and energy waste. Secondly leaving the ethical debate and criticism of the past situation sterile, the Department plans to focus on the development of alternative proposals to revert this situation.
In order to do this we have selected a series of case studies of different paradigmatic major types of constructions in which this problem is very evident. The academic year 2012-2013 will try to propose alternatives for their recovery. One of the most significant working opportunities for the architect in the future society will be the invention of action strategies on the existing, more specifically, on the errors found in the recent past, to achieve reverse its negative result, maximize efficiency and leverage resources and efforts were necessary for their appearance.
Large-scale operations conceptually similar to the proposal have occurred in the past. The most recent, comprehensive and successful is probably the re-conversion of fabrics and industrial infrastructures of cities and territory to accommodate the so called post-industrial civilization. For reflection proposed in this course, the V&F unit, proposes action on other tissue types, which have also fallen into a state of obsolescence, in this case, premature. Three types are selected edificatoria infrastructure with a paradigmatic example of each:
1. Transport Infrastructure: Castellón Airport.
2. Housing Infrastructure: Francisco Hernando Residential, Seseña.
3. Cultural infrastructure: Niemeyer Center, Avilés
Each one of the three cases, and each of their particular causes, suffers a state of current serious or very serious underuse. During the course V&F Unit will analyze the three cases, and every student will select from among them the object of work and prepare a proposal for action and strategy on it.
The exercise planning methodology of our Unit addresses the development of the inventive, creative and proactive architect in this scenario so particular, in two different situations, considered, unfortunately too often antagonistic.
- The first is the initial invention, the trigger of the project, the first draft that starts the complex process that eventually will crystallize in complex architectural project document.
- The second, is to maintain that same attitude and constant invention will in each of the phases of project development, without abandoning the proven and mere constructive resolution.
Exercise and develop the ability to invent and propose the student in two stages that must traverse all projects is the fundamental teaching method V&F Unit.
The first is usually considered within the scope of responsibility of the architect. But however often invoked for explanation and analysis such vague concepts as "inspiration", "art" or "magic lighting" architect. The unit will attempt to systematize and rationalize these hermetic concepts in order to, even assuming any trigger for the projects, getting the students to develop their own system of generating new ideas.
The second situation attempts to correct some common mismatches in many projects. Once past the initial awkward moment in which we assume the degree of uncertainty and insecurity associated with the creative act quickly abandons this uncertain environment, to dump the project directly to the world of supposedly indisputable truths. Inventiveness of the architect is currently expendable. It is even considered undesirable. The enormous importance that will have the knowledge and action on a reality already built, will be essential for the student to continue inventing or at least adapting and incorporating rigorous materialization strategies and credible to his proposal at all stages of development.
The exercises set for this first quarter of the 2012-2013 academic year are two: The first short exercise designed to establish the basic concepts of the action of the architect on existing material reality, and a second exercise involving the development of a proposal for concrete action on one of the three case studies raised
Reconfiguration strategy for the facades of the residential blocks of flats in Hernando Residential in Seseña.
Duration: 3 weeks.
Academic Rating: 25%
Reloading m3 (Castellón / Seseña / Aviles)
Analysis, selection and presentation of proposals for action on one of the case studies.
Duration: 3 weeks.
Academic Rating: 25%
Proposed Action on [Castellón / Seseña / Aviles]: Definition and development.
Duration: 9 weeks.
Academic Rating: 50%
"Reloading m3"
The new V&F Unit focuses its objectives for the academic year 2012-2013 in, within the common framework established by the joint Department of Architectural Design at the UCJC: Considering the set of new professional opportunities that are presented to the future architects in Spain concentrated in the Re-use, Re-conversion, Re-vision and Re-configuration of an extremely bulky building tissue that, because of various reasons, has become obsolete, abandoned or underused almost immediately following its completion.
Clearly the professional stage of architects in general and Spanish ones in particular, has changed quickly over the years. The more optimistic, naive or nostalgic, hope that this crisis obey a cyclical mismatch that the mere passage of time will be able to return to its previous state. However, in the UCJC Projects Department, we understand that, without neglecting the important causes-effects of the severe current particular juncture, these changes are a clear sign of a deep structural change that will prevent the situation bygone reproduce again. It is urgent and necessary reflection on the role and responsibility attribution must assume the architect in society and the new landscape that is emerging.
From this conviction, the Department proposes to approach the study of one of the career options that are sensed for architects: Watching the enormous volume built in Spain in recent decades that has fallen precipitously at least underused, rather than architect action concentrating on generating more new construction, we propose the invention of strategies that enable them to profit energy of all the great efforts made in the past. Efforts of all kinds, physical, economic, social and landscape were overturned in a large building mass far and wide across the territory, however, whatever the cause, did not achieve the results or effects in pursuit, becoming in giant monuments to inefficiency and energy waste. Secondly leaving the ethical debate and criticism of the past situation sterile, the Department plans to focus on the development of alternative proposals to revert this situation.
In order to do this we have selected a series of case studies of different paradigmatic major types of constructions in which this problem is very evident. The academic year 2012-2013 will try to propose alternatives for their recovery. One of the most significant working opportunities for the architect in the future society will be the invention of action strategies on the existing, more specifically, on the errors found in the recent past, to achieve reverse its negative result, maximize efficiency and leverage resources and efforts were necessary for their appearance.
Large-scale operations conceptually similar to the proposal have occurred in the past. The most recent, comprehensive and successful is probably the re-conversion of fabrics and industrial infrastructures of cities and territory to accommodate the so called post-industrial civilization. For reflection proposed in this course, the V&F unit, proposes action on other tissue types, which have also fallen into a state of obsolescence, in this case, premature. Three types are selected edificatoria infrastructure with a paradigmatic example of each:
1. Transport Infrastructure: Castellón Airport.
2. Housing Infrastructure: Francisco Hernando Residential, Seseña.
3. Cultural infrastructure: Niemeyer Center, Avilés
Each one of the three cases, and each of their particular causes, suffers a state of current serious or very serious underuse. During the course V&F Unit will analyze the three cases, and every student will select from among them the object of work and prepare a proposal for action and strategy on it.
The exercise planning methodology of our Unit addresses the development of the inventive, creative and proactive architect in this scenario so particular, in two different situations, considered, unfortunately too often antagonistic.
- The first is the initial invention, the trigger of the project, the first draft that starts the complex process that eventually will crystallize in complex architectural project document.
- The second, is to maintain that same attitude and constant invention will in each of the phases of project development, without abandoning the proven and mere constructive resolution.
Exercise and develop the ability to invent and propose the student in two stages that must traverse all projects is the fundamental teaching method V&F Unit.
The first is usually considered within the scope of responsibility of the architect. But however often invoked for explanation and analysis such vague concepts as "inspiration", "art" or "magic lighting" architect. The unit will attempt to systematize and rationalize these hermetic concepts in order to, even assuming any trigger for the projects, getting the students to develop their own system of generating new ideas.
The second situation attempts to correct some common mismatches in many projects. Once past the initial awkward moment in which we assume the degree of uncertainty and insecurity associated with the creative act quickly abandons this uncertain environment, to dump the project directly to the world of supposedly indisputable truths. Inventiveness of the architect is currently expendable. It is even considered undesirable. The enormous importance that will have the knowledge and action on a reality already built, will be essential for the student to continue inventing or at least adapting and incorporating rigorous materialization strategies and credible to his proposal at all stages of development.
The exercises set for this first quarter of the 2012-2013 academic year are two: The first short exercise designed to establish the basic concepts of the action of the architect on existing material reality, and a second exercise involving the development of a proposal for concrete action on one of the three case studies raised
Reconfiguration strategy for the facades of the residential blocks of flats in Hernando Residential in Seseña.
Duration: 3 weeks.
Academic Rating: 25%
Reloading m3 (Castellón / Seseña / Aviles)
Analysis, selection and presentation of proposals for action on one of the case studies.
Duration: 3 weeks.
Academic Rating: 25%
Proposed Action on [Castellón / Seseña / Aviles]: Definition and development.
Duration: 9 weeks.
Academic Rating: 50%
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